Fun Facts About Australia

Wild Life

1. Unique Wildlife

  • Australia is home to kangaroos, koalas, and wombats, but did you know there are more kangaroos than people in the country?
  • The platypus is so strange (it’s a mammal that lays eggs) that when it was first discovered, scientists thought it was a hoax.

2. Weird Laws & Customs

  • It’s illegal to walk on the right-hand side of the footpath in Queensland.
  • In Melbourne, you can’t vacuum your house after 10 PM.



3. The Food Scene

  • Meat pies, Tim Tams, and Lamingtons (sponge cakes with chocolate and coconut) are beloved Aussie snacks.
  • You must try “Fairy Bread”—white bread with butter and colorful sprinkles, a kids’ party favorite.
  • Australians eat more kang

4. People & Culture

  • Around 30% of Australians were born overseas, making it one of the most multicultural nations.
  • Indigenous Australians have one of the oldest continuous cultures on Earth, dating back over 65,000 years.



5. Diverse Ecosystems

  • Australia is home to rainforests, deserts, and snowy mountains, all within the same country.
  • The Daintree Rainforest is one of the world’s oldest rainforests, estimated to be 180 million years old.

6. Record Holders & Odd Facts

  • Australia is the only continent without an active volcano.
  • Melbourne has the world’s largest tram network, covering over 250 kilometers.
  • Canberra, the capital, was chosen as a compromise because Sydney and Melbourne couldn’t stop arguing about which should be the capital.


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