Fun Facts About Canada

1. Basketball Was Invented by a Canadian
Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian physical education teacher, invented basketball in 1891 while working in the U.S.
2. It’s Illegal to Pay With Too Many Coins
Under the Canadian Currency Act, there are limits to the number of coins you can use in a single transaction. For example, you can’t use more than 25 loonies (1-dollar coins).


3. Canada Has a Town That’s Always Frozen
Alert, located in Nunavut, is the northernmost inhabited place in the world and experiences temperatures as low as -40°C (-40°F).
4. Canada Is the Second Largest Country in the World
Canada’s total area is 9.98 million square kilometers, second only to Russia.



5. It Has More Lakes Than the Rest of the World Combined
Canada is home to an estimated 2 million lakes, covering about 7.6% of the country.