
Intake Term Findland

Intake TermElementsApplication Deadlines
Autumn Intake

  • Primary Intake:
    This is the main intake and is offered by most Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences.

  • Advantages:
    Most programs, including bachelor’s and master’s degrees, are available during this intake, along with more scholarships and other resources for incoming students.

    The main application period is typically in January for degree programs starting in the autumn, though some universities may have an additional application round in March or April.
    Spring Intake

    • Secondary Intake:
      Not as widely available as the autumn intake, but several universities and UASs still offer programs starting in January, particularly in fields like business, engineering, and technology.

    • Advantages:
      Ideal for students who may need more preparation time or who missed the main intake. However, fewer programs are available compared to the autumn intake.

      Typically between September and October of the previous year, though exact dates vary by institution.
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